An immunoelectronmicroscopical study of the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigens in guinea pig sciatic nerves following induction of intraneural mycobacterial granulomas.
Cowley SA., Butter C., Gschmeissner SE., Curtis J., Turk JL.
A guinea pig model of nerve damage in leprosy has been used to investigate the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigens in granulomatous lesions in nerves. Using an immunoelectronmicroscopical technique, infiltrating mononuclear cells and endoneural fibroblast-like cells are shown to be class II-positive in the experimental neural lesions. Schwann cells are not class II-positive under these conditions, although at the light microscope level Schwann cell-like cells appear to be positively stained. This illustrates the value of immunoelectronmicroscopy in the investigation of cell surface proteins in situ as compared with conventional light immunohistochemistry.