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Co-convenors: Francesco Boccellato and Colin Goding




Monday 4 December, Oxford Martin School, 34 Broad St, Oxford OX1 3BD

9.30 REGISTRATION - tea/coffee

10.15 Welcome - Colin Goding

10.20 Francis Szele - Oxford - The role of inflammation in CNS stem cell niches Chair: Simon Leedham

10.50 Paresh Vyas - Oxford - Somatic Stem Cell Mosaicism in Haematopoiesis Chair: Simon Leedham

11.20 BREAK

11.50 Elisa Laurenti - Cambridge - Human haematopoiesis at single cell resolution Chair: Paresh Vyas

12.20 Adam Mead - Oxford - Single-cell multi-omics identifies chronic inflammation as a driver of TP53 mutant leukemic evolution Chair: Paresh Vyas

12.50 Sponsor's Talk- iotaSciences Chair: Paresh Vyas

13.00 LUNCH

14.30 Liz Patton - Edinburgh - Mechanisms of cell states and plasticity in melanoma residual disease Chair: Richard White

15.00 Craig Maclean - Oxford - Bacterial heterogeneity and antibiotic resistance Chair: Richard White

15.30 Simon Leedham - Oxford - Defining and manipulating the ectopic stem cell niche in intestinal neoplasia Chair: Richard White

16.00 BREAK

16.30 Talya Dayton -Barcelona - Using organoids to study the dynamics of neuroendocrine development and cancer Chair: Eric O’Neill

17.00 Francesca Spagnoli - London - Engineering pancreatic tissue: cells in time and space Chair: Eric O’Neill

17.30 END



Tuesday 5 December, Oxford Martin School, 34 Broad St, Oxford OX1 3BD

9.30 ARRIVALS - tea/coffee

10.15 Welcome - Richard White

10.20 Richard Wade-Martins - Oxford - Physiological, personalised and predictive disease modelling with patient stem cell-derived neurons Chair: Angela Russell

10.50 Paul Riley - Oxford - Lymphatic endothelial cell-macrophage interactions during heart regeneration Chair: Angela Russell

11.20 BREAK

11.50 Michaela Frye - Heidelberg - Stem cell mRNA modifications Chair: Yang Shi 

12.20 Konstantinos Tzelepis - Cambridge - Therapeutic targeting of RNA and its modifications Chair: Yang Shi

12.50 Sponsor's Talk - Bio-Rad  Chair: Yang Shi

13.00 LUNCH

14.30 Sponsor's Talk - Qkine 

14.40 Saverio Tedesco - London - Engineering human myogenic stem cells for advanced in vitro disease modelling Chair: Paul Riley

15.10 Cynthia Andoniadou - London - Paracrine signalling from stem cells in pituitary gland regulation Chair: Paul Riley

15.40 Andreia Bernardo - London - TBA

16.10 BREAK

16.40 Tatjana Suaka Spengler - Oxford - TBA Chair: Colin Goding

17.30 Closing remarks & END OF SYMPOSIUM